Saturday, September 27, 2008

100 Things about Me

  1. My name is Shawna Lee (Baldwin) Lay.
  2. I was born in Jackson Hole, Wyoming
  3. I was raised in Cornville AZ
  4. Yes, there is a Cornville AZ (not from Hee Haw)
  5. I have been married for 18 1/2 years and hopefully will be going to the temple to be sealed by year 19. :)
  6. I was married by a Baptist minister in Lake Tahoe NV.
  7. I did not want to be married in Las Vegas.
  8. I have 2 teenage children, 16 and 13.
  9. Daughter 16
  10. Son 13
  11. I went to the temple to receive my endowments last year
  12. It was on my son's 12th birthday when I went to the temple for the first time.
  13. I love to go to church on Sunday!!
  14. I only have 3 classes left before I get my BS in Business Management.
  15. I can not spell to save my life.
  16. I would not have passed any of my classes without spell check!! ;)
  17. I work from home
  18. I work for American Express.
  19. I have worked for American Express for almost 20 years now.
  20. I have lived in 4 states, Wyoming, Arizona, Utah, and North Carolina.
  21. I love living in North Carolina!!!!
  22. I would sleep all day, if I could.
  23. I love all the people in my ward in North Carolina, they are all great people!!
  24. I love the rain.
  25. I have big feet (allot of understanding!!)
  26. I miss my dad.
  27. I'm very grateful for my mother.
  28. I'm grateful for the gospel in my home.
  29. I'm so proud that my son received the priesthood when he was 12.
  30. I don't like to cook.
  31. I'm addicted to chocolate.
  32. I love my dogs.
  33. I love Dr Pepper!!!
  34. Dr Phil is not bad either. LOL ;)
  35. I love Paula Dean's cooking!!!! (southern style)
  36. I just started to watch Rachel Ray, she is pretty funny!
  37. RR is helping me want to cook a little more
  38. I have been to Tahiti twice.
  39. I worked at Club Med when I was younger.
  40. I have also traveled to the Caribbean and Bahamas with Club Med.
  41. <-----------This is how old I am.
  42. <-----------This is how old my hubby is
  43. I cried when my daughter started school.
  44. I did not when my son started school (I wonder why???)
  45. I bought my daughter a laptop for her 16th birthday (I wonder why!!!)
  46. I bought my son a Wii for his birthday so I could get a Wii Fit.
  47. <----------This was my Wii Fit age when I started.
  48. Boy, I am out of shape.
  49. I was the Sunbeam teacher in AZ before we moved.
  50. I have also been the Librarian in our ward in AZ
  51. I am now the Compassionate Services Leader
  52. I did not really know what the Compassionate Service Leader was before I had this calling
  53. I finished reading the Book of Mormon for the first time last year
  54. I never made it past the book of Alma in the past
  55. I wore braces for 2 1/2 years when I was younger
  56. My bottom teeth are crooked again
  57. I do not remember the last time I went to the dentist
  58. I have dreams that my teeth fall out (what does that mean?)
  59. I also have dreams that if I run fast enough I can fly!!!!
  60. I have been to the Dr so many times this year, I met our family deductible myself
  61. My monogram found something abnormal, so I had to get a biopsy
  62. Everything is fine, just more “fatty” tissue (go figure)
  63. Since our deductible is met Steve can go get his knee fixed
  64. I don't really like my hair
  65. I think my nose is too big
  66. I have small teeth
  67. I don’t like to shave my legs
  68. I will just wear long pants to cover up my legs
  69. I always shave my underarms!!
  70. I think this is more information about me than anyone wants to know
  71. I saw the new movie "Forever Strong" (GREAT MOVIE)
  72. The movie is about Rugby
  73. I know nothing about Rugby
  74. I sometimes sneak a nap during my lunch hour
  75. I should be working right now, but I’m not
  76. I am related to Caleb Baldwin (he was the one in Liberty Jail with Joseph Smith)
  77. We went to Liberty MO this summer to see Liberty Jail
  78. We also went to Branson MO
  79. On our way home we went through St Louis MO and went through the Arch
  80. We stopped and spent the night in Paducah KY
  81. I thought Cornville was a strange name for a town, but Paducah?
  82. I can not believe that my daughter will graduate next year (Class of 2010)
  83. I am getting sick and tired of all the political adds
  84. I will probably vote republican in this general election
  85. I do like Sarah Palin’s glasses
  86. I hate to wear my glasses
  87. I would love to get lasik surgery, but would be scared I would lose my sight
  88. I’m worried about our economy
  89. I believe the Lord will provide for those that have followed the prophet’s council
  90. I do not have my years supply
  91. I do have my 72 hour kits for my family
  92. I read all the Harry Potter books
  93. I have not read any of the Twilight books
  94. I got the book “The Secret” on my 40th birthday
  95. I still do not know what the secret is (I guess I should read the book)
  96. Maybe I will get the video instead (LOL)
  97. I would be lost with out a computer
  98. I have a Facebook page
  99. I do not understand Facebook
  100. I’m sure this is A LOT more info on me than anyone wanted to know!!!

OK, there you have it!!! It took me 3 days to complete!!!!

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