Sunday, September 7, 2008

Court of Honor

Tyler had his Court of Honor after church today. Chelsea volunteered to make a stew for the festivities, which was strange, because she does not even like stew. Anyway, I had to find a recipe as I don't make stew very often. We found the recipe and we were off to Wal~Mart to pick up the supplies.

When we were going through the ingredients, I did not get flour as I thought we had some at home. As you might have guessed, I did not have any flour.

We have to leave for church at 9AM so Chelsea and I were up at 5AM to begin preparing the stew in the new Crock Pot we just got.

As we were getting everything together, I realized we did not have any flour to coat the beef. I was frantically looking for something to use and the only thing I had was blueberry pancake mix. That's right, blueberry pancake mix. As we started, the blueberry pancake aroma filled the house (on a fast Sunday!!).

I told Chelsea not to tell anyone about our "secret ingredient" but I could not hold my tongue and had to let everyone know. And "YES" you could taste the slight blueberry flavor. It actually was not to bad and the stew was all gone by the time we when home. So Chelsea's first stew was a great success.

1 comment:

andreamatrix said...

Um...I'm not convinced that would be good?.... Just sayin. Though I've made gravy with beet juice that I thought was chicken broth. Good, but it did turn the gravy purple....